Meeting of

East Sussex County Council

on Tuesday, 7 May 2024

at 10.00 am





NOTE: As part of the County Council’s drive to increase accessibility to its public meetings, this meeting will be broadcast live on its website and the record archived. The live broadcast is accessible at:





To the Members of the County Council


You are summoned to attend a meeting of the East Sussex County Council to be held in the Council Chamber, County Hall, Lewes, on Tuesday, 7 May 2024 at 10.00 am to transact the following business





To elect a Chairman of the County Council 





To appoint a Vice Chairman of the County Council 





Minutes of the meeting held on 6 February 2024  (Pages 7 - 30)





Apologies for absence 





Chairman's business 





Record of Delegation of Executive Functions 


The Leader to present to the County Council their written record of delegations of executive functions to Cabinet members including:


(a)       names of the County Councillors appointed to the Cabinet;

(b)       the extent of any authority delegated to cabinet members individually as portfolio holders;

(c)       appointment to the position of Deputy Leader;

(d)       the terms of reference and constitution of the Cabinet and any executive committees together with the names of cabinet members appointed to them;

(e)       the nature and extent of any delegation of executive functions to local committees;

(f)        the nature and extent of any delegation to officers.





Report of the Governance Committee  (Pages 31 - 38)





To allocate places on the following committees to political and independent groups in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 and to appoint members to those committees in line with the allocations

(a) Scrutiny Committees

Health Overview and Scrutiny




(b) Audit Committee

(c) Governance Committee

(d) Regulatory Committee

(e) Planning Committee

(f) Standards Committee

(g) Pension Committee


(Note 1: The proposed nominations from political and independent groups will be tabled at the meeting)

(Note 2: In accordance with the statutory provisions, the proposed allocation of places to political and independent groups is set out in the report of the Governance Committee)





In light of the decisions of the Council on the allocation of places to political and

independent groups to appoint members to other Committees and Panels as set

out below


(a) County Joint Consultative Committee (5 members of the County Council)

(b) County Consultative Committee (Governors) (5 members of the County


(c) Joint Advisory Committee (Schools) (5 members of the County Council)

(d) Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (5 members of the


(e) Corporate Parenting Panel (7 members of the County Council)


[The memberships proposed by the political and independent groups will be circulated to members in advance of the meeting]





To confirm the continuation of the following bodies that have a fixed membership

or to which members are appointed by the Chief Executive as the need arises and

to agree (with no member voting against) that the political balance provisions

shall not apply to the Panels


Approved Marriage Premises Review Panel

Recruitment Panel (Chief Executive, Directors and Deputies)

Commons and Village Green Registration Panel


[The composition of these bodies is set out in the Constitution]





To agree (with no member voting against) that the political balance provisions

shall not apply to the membership of the Discretionary Transport Appeal Panel

and to appoint three members of the Regulatory Committee to serve for the

ensuing year


[The membership of the Panel, proposed by the political groups will be tabled at the meeting]





To appoint:


(a) Chair of the Regulatory Committee

(b) Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the Scrutiny Committees

(c) Chair and Vice Chair of the Audit Committee

(d) Chair of the Governance Committee

(e) Chair and Vice-Chair of the Planning Committee

(f) Chair of the Pension Committee

(g) Chair of the Standards Committee





Questions from members of the public 





Report of the Cabinet  (Pages 39 - 48)





Report of the Standards Committee  (Pages 49 - 52)





Questions form County Councillors 


a) Oral questions to Cabinet Members

b) Written questions of which notice has been given pursuant to Standing Order 44





Report of the East Sussex Fire Authority  (Pages 53 - 56)






Note: There will be a period for collective prayers and quiet reflection in the Council Chamber from 9.30 am to 9.45 am. The prayers will be led by Father David Hill, Rector of St John the Evangelist Surrogate, St John’s Rectory, St Leonard’s on Sea. The Chairman would be delighted to be joined by any members of staff and Councillors who wish to attend.


County Hall

St Anne's Crescent


East Sussex BN7 1UE



Assistant Chief Executive                                                                                           26 April 2024





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